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Our HALO Story

About Us

We understand very well how hard it can be on a family emotionally, financially, and spiritually when illness strikes your little one .  It’s confusing and heartbreaking because you feel helpless.  Our little Alexys was so dear to us, we were heartbroken and felt helpless when she became ill.  Each day takes your breath away, the not knowing what is next, each swing of the door, will it be good news or bad, one moment your up, the next your down.  What a emotional rollercoaster it was!  But GOD was so faithful to us in His healing process.  Alexys is now with the LORD and we are so grateful for the time that we had with her.  The LOVE that we received from so many; nurses, doctors, clergy, and most of all our family, we will never forget.  We will forever be grateful to our family for their support.  Unfortunately, not everyone has family that can help financially, therefore we want to be that helping hand. Each situation is different, and we know families will need help in different ways, we work closely with our partners to access the needs of families, however if you know a family that meet our requirements for service, please fill out a referral form and we will try to help.                                                                                                                                 

Amazed By His Grace,

The McClinton Family



Our Mission

To encourage and to love families through their most difficult times by assisting financially, emotionally, and spiritually.

Our Purpose

To help those we can, how we can, during difficult times.

Our Vision

To provide a service that will lessen the worry of families.